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The Players

Now that we have played in a few different games, it’s getting a little cumbersome referring to all the group members by their Kingmaker character name(s). So I thought that it would help me, even if no one else cares, to give names to the people behind the characters.

Daddy DM

That’s me!


Drew is a Canadian expat, a father, and an experienced GM. He loves Cthulhu and heavy metal music. He is an ideal player, as most GMs tend to be in my experience, in that he is engaged, proactive, and takes notes. He often ends up being the defacto leader of the group, or at least one of prime plot drivers.


Antony loves sci-fi and horror films, especially weird or obscure ones. As a player, he often looks for opportunities to set things on fire, regardless of the game being played. When not being a pyromaniac, he will pursue quirky and possibly strange goals for his characters, which often leads to trouble for the party.


Bill is an entrepreneur and the youngest of the group by more than a decade. He always has interesting and often impractical character ideas or plans on hand. As a player, he is extremely enthusiastic and very much focused on the story rather than the mechanics.


Dante is a professor at a local university. He has a wide range of role-playing experience, and is the most organized player of spellcasters that I’ve ever seen (thankfully!).


Davis is one of Drew’s neighbors, who used to play face-to-face RPGs with Drew and Antony back in the day. The movement of our game to being online made it possible for him to get back into roleplaying.


Thomas is relatively new to both RPGs and fatherhood. As a player, he is results-oriented – he pursues strong mechanical choices, and hasn’t had much patience for those who don’t follow suit.


Joe is an avid collector of books, games, movies, and probably more. He’s usually a little buzzed during games, and so isn’t always the most up to speed on what’s going on. But he’s impetuous, loves adventure, and is the most likely to say, “Screw it!” and do something nuts, odds and consequences be damned. He’s the D&D player who will reliably push that button or pull that lever that cautious players would not touch with a ten foot pole.

  • I had played D&D with Joe in another group, and he always chose to be a wizard or sorcerer. It’s what he likes.
  • In our Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game set during WWII (not written up here), he played Hellboy.
  • In our Pathfinder Kingmaker game, he played Mestinous.
  • In our Star Wars Edge of the Empire game, he played the Scoundrel (I was shocked he didn’t go for a Force user, aka space wizard).
  • In our Call of Cthulhu “A Method to Madness” scenario, he played Waldo, a private eye posing as a patient.
  • In our Risus “Toast of the Town” one-shot, he played Nikolai Bedykov the dwarf warrior.


Robert was brand-new to role-playing when we started the Kingmaker campaign, and he is recently a new father as well. He is very easy-going and is largely content to go along with whatever the rest of the group happens to be doing.