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Kingmaker: The App! cont.

September 5, 2014

Initially I started working on my Kingmaker application so that it will handle the calculations for my group’s kingdom (correctly, unlike Hero Lab at this time). Having gotten that down, I’ve been slowly expanding its functionality so that one day it could be used for any kingdom. I have a long way to go on that front – all of my data is currently written into the code, instead of loaded from an external file, for one thing – but I have been making some progress.

kingdom-manager-map-edit-screenThis is my initial pass on being able to enter map data for the program (click for a bigger picture). Basically, you choose an image of the map, overlay the hex grid on top of it, and then define the attributes & features of each hex. Some pieces of data can be determined on multiple hexes at once, so you don’t have to click on every single hex and choose a terrain type, for example. It can support both “flat-top” and “pointy-top” hexes, and the hex layout can be tweaked in a few different ways. Eventually I would like to move away from needing to use an image backdrop, but that’s a low priority at the moment.

Once the user can create their own maps, they will need to be able to create characters to serve as leaders and generals. One feature to make that easier that I’ve been researching will be to import character data from Hero Lab portfolio files. Once I have that working, the user can import their maps and characters into a fresh kingdom, and start ruling!

Next: it is finished, for now

  1. Hey is there any chance I could get a copy of that Kingmaker App? We are running it and I would love to make our kingdom up.


    • Sorry, I should have reiterated that this is very much a work-in-progress. It will be some time before I have anything that would be usable by someone that’s not me.


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